Friday, April 24, 2020

Ton-Up (Action Force)

I actually had to look up this guy's code name for the definition. Apparently it's UK slang for someone that likes to travel at speeds of up to 100 MPH. Seems fitting considering Ton-Up was originally a getaway driver for a gang of bank robbers before he became a tank driver for Action Force. Now when Palitoy released Ton-Up in 1985 in the UK, he was little more than a re-release of the Hasbro G.I. Joe character Rock N Roll, and came with a re-colored version of the Wolverine tank. Since he's another Action Force member to never get a modern update, I decided to expand my motor pool a bit.


Entire figure and accessories: Marauder Task Force
UK Flag decal: Bad Mother Tattoos and Customs

Paints used: Citadel Nuln Oil to weather the boots and leather parts of the outfit, Model Master Flat Clear to seal the decal in place.

Thanks for looking.


#GIJOE #ActionForce #TonUp #ActionForceUK #CustomActionFigure #Custom #MarauderTaskForce #BadMotherTattoosandCustoms #ActionFigurePhotography #ToySpotting #TotallyNotRockNRoll

Sunday, April 19, 2020

John A.F. Zoidberg, "M".D. (Futurama)

Sometimes boredom and extra fodder parts leads me to creating some ridiculous characters in my Multiverse. Hence the making of Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama. *Dumpster playset sold separately.


Head, Claws: Boss Fight Studios
Jacket: Custom cast from RaginSpoon
Upper body: Zartan v17
Legs: Storm Shadow v32
Feet: Storm Shadow v26
Dumpster: WWE Jakks

Paints used: Citadel, Model Master

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #Futurama #Zoidberg #DrZoidberg #JohnFuckingZoidberg #WhyNotZoidberg #WhoopWhoopWhoopWhoop #CustomActionFigure #Custom #BossFightStudios #RaginSpoon #Hasbro #Jakks #ActionFigurePhotography #ToySpotting

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Mutt and Junkyard (Tiger Force)

Yet another late entry to the Tiger Force sub-team, Mutt and Junkyard are often overlooked, probably because they were only issued as a Convention exclusive back in 2004. While the tooling and mold I used here are closer to his original sculpt and design, the color scheme itself reflects the version from the set. Tiger stripes created using a Micron .005 pen.


Head: Marauder Task Force
Everything else: Mutt & Junkyard v7

Paints used: Citadel, Model Master

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #TigerForce #Mutt #MuttandJunkyard #Junkyard #K9Unit #CustomActionFigure #Custom #Hasbro #MarauderTaskForce #ActionFigurePhotography #ToySpotting

Friday, April 10, 2020

Roadblock (Tiger Force)

While Hasbro did release a Tiger Force Roadblock in the FSS 6.0 wave, the aftermarket price point is still a bit too high for me to obtain one. Knowing full well I had a bunch of spare parts and some paint laying around, I created this one instead. It also utilizes the Dwayne Johnson Retaliation version, which has actually grown on me despite not being everyone's favorite interpretation of the character. Tiger stripes created with a Micron .005 pen.


Upper body, arms, head: Roadblock v22
Right hand, legs, machine gun, ammo, pistol, knife: Heavy Duty v13
Harness: Marauder Task Force
Helmet: Specialist Dusty v1
Chef's hat. apron, oven mitt, pie: Boss Fight Studios
Frying pan: Snow Job v7

Paints used: Citadel, Model Master

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #Roadblock #TigerForce #TheRock #DwayneJohnson #IfYouSmellWhatRoadblockIsCookin #CustomActionFigure #Custom #Hasbro #MarauderTaskForce #BossFightStudios #ActionFigurePhotography #ToySpotting

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mike Tyson (Mike Tyson's Mysteries)

Yet another odd addition to my Multiverse, I'm a huge fan of the show on Adult Swim, and felt it warranted a place in my collection. Toughest part with this one was getting the hair and eyes right, I may have gone through about 6 attempts before getting Iron Mike somewhat presentable.


Head: Custom cast from AVAC'S Lab
Boxing gloves: Custom Cast from RaginSpoon
Pigeon: Mayberry Street Miniatures
Face tattoo and logo: Bad Mother Tattoos and Customs
Body: RoC Night Adder

Paints used: Citadel, Model Master

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #MikeTyson #MikeTysonMysteries #AdultSwim #CustomActionFigure #NormMacdonald #Pigeon #AVACSLab #RaginSpoon #BadMotherTattoosandCustoms #ActionFigurePhotography #CartoonNetwork #ToySpotting

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dreadnok Gator Raider

Much like its driver Death Metal, the Dreadnok Gator Raider was released in 2015 at the New Jersey Comic Con, and limited to 40 pieces. Rather than simply repainting a Water Moccasin, I went with a bigger boat, and had originally designed this in mind as a vehicle for Zanzibar.


Boat: Adventure Force
Cannon: Cobra Venom Cycle
Grape Soda: Custom cast from AVAC'S Lab
Decals: Custom sheet from

Paints used: Tamiya, Rust-Oleum, Citadel

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #Dreadnoks #COBRA #GatorRaider #CustomVehicle #CustomActionFigures #Hasbro #DeathMetal #Zanzibar #Machete #Monkeywrench #AVACSLab #ToyHax #ActionFigurePhotography #ToySpotting

Saturday, April 4, 2020


This was a quick repaint with some parts I had in the fodder bin that I had yet to find a use for. The hardest part was finding a code name for him that hadn't been used by Hasbro (or anyone else for that matter) to date.


Head: Jakks Build 'N Brawl Kane
Body: Frostbite v12
Skirt: Zartan v17
Holster: Copperhead v4
Everything Else: Marauder Task Force

Paints used: Citadel, Model Master

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #Permafrost #CustomActionFigure #Custom #Hasbro #Jakks #MarauderTaskForce #WWE #Kane #ActionFigurePhotography #ToySpotting