Monday, December 30, 2019


I hadn't planned on doing Machete, being he only appeared in an animated series I didn't really watch and a comic series I haven't had a chance to read yet, so I don't know all that much about him. All I do know is that to my knowledge, he never got an action figure, so I've fixed that and added another Dreadnok to my roster.


Head: Duke v27
Upper body: Duke v46
Arms and right hand: Cobra Commander v52
Left Hand: Specialist Dusty v1
Lower Body: Copperhead v4
Legs: Conrad "Duke" Hauser v38
Jacket: Custom cast from RaginSpoon
Shotgun: Zartan v8
Axe: Marauder Task Force

Paints used: Citadel, Model Master

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #COBRA #Dreadnoks #Machete #CustomActionFigure #Custom #Hasbro #MarauderTaskForce #RaginSpoon #ActionFigurePhotography #HackThePlastic #ToySpotting

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Night Force Crazy Legs

This is another intangible one I had to make a custom of, due to the rarity and price point of the original release. While Night Force Crazy Legs was released as a parachute drop exclusive for the 2014 International G.I. Joe Convention in Dallas, Texas, he was limited to 1,000 pieces, making his after market price fairly expensive. And even though the build I used here is slightly different than the one used for the Convention version, it's closer to his previous release in the Pursuit of Cobra line, if not identical.


Head: Zartan v20 Alternate Head
Left Forearm: Lift Ticket v2
Body and Harness: Crazy Legs v3
Helmet: Blowtorch v5
Goggles: Dusty v12
MP40 Machine Gun and CQB-MKII Machine Gun: Marauder Task Force

Paints Used: Citadel, Model Master

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #NightForce #CrazyLegs #CustomActionFigure #Custom #Hasbro #MarauderTaskForce #HackThePlastic #ActionFigurePhotography #ToySpotting

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Tiger Force Ripcord

Back in 1988, Hasbro began releasing several repainted figures and vehicles in their GI Joe line under the Tiger Force banner. While several characters were produced, a few that were originally planned for the set either got different paint decos, or were scrapped altogether. Ripcord here is amongst the latter. I based the design on the few existing prototype pictures I was able to find online of him. And since Hasbro failed to release him in either the JoeCon 2015 Convention set, or as an exclusive through their Figure Subscription Service, I feel I've righted a wrong with this custom.


Entire figure and accessories: SPC. Altitude v1
Stand: Renegades Ripcord v6

Paints used: Citadel, Model Masters

Thanks for looking.

And in case anyone was curious, here's a picture of the prototype Ripcord that was never released:

Image result for tiger force ripcord unreleased

#GIJOE #Ripcord #TigerForce #CustomActionFigure #Custom #HackThePlastic #ActionFigurePhotography #Hasbro #ToySpotting

Friday, December 27, 2019


Chef was "sort of" released by Hasbro in 2014 as the custom class figure for the International G.I. Joe Convention in Dallas, Texas. Since I never got to attend a JoeCon (and now, never will), I decided to make my own out of parts I had in the fodder bin.


Hat, Apron and Oven Mitt: Boss Fight Studios Chef Mini-Kit
Head and Body: Marauder Task Force
Rick James T-Shirt Decal: Bad Mother Tattoos And Customs
Frying Pan: GI Joe Pursuit of Cobra Snow Job v7

Thanks for looking.

#GIJOE #Chef #CustomActionFigure #Custom #BossFightStudios #MarauderTaskForce #BadMotherTattoosAndCustoms #Hasbro #RickJames #UnMetal #HackThePlastic #ActionFigurePhotography #Toyspotting

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Death Metal

Death Metal was released in 2015 at the New Jersey Comic Con and limited to 40 pieces. I knew I'd never own an original, so I decided to make my own out of existing parts, following the formula of the convention version as closely as possible.


Head: Vitruvian HACKS skull with dreadlocks cast from AVACSLAB
Upper Body: G.I. Joe Retaliation Firefly v27
Harness: Marvel Universe Cable with cast spikes from RaginSpoon
Legs: G.I. Joe 50th Beach Head v17
Ministry decal: Bad Mother Tattoos and Customs
M14 EBR Assault Rifle, Boot Knife: Marauder Task Force
Mace: Vitruvian HACKS

Paints used: Citadel, Model Masters

Thanks for looking.

Image may contain: 1 person

#GIJOE #Dreadnoks #DeathMetal #COBRA #CustomActionFigure #Custom #Hasbro #VitruvianHACKS #AVACSLAB #BadMotherTattoosAndCustoms #RaginSpoon  #MarauderTaskForce #Ministry #ActionFigurePhotography #HackThePlastic